Written by Alex Richmond and JL Moore
Content Warnings: War, Violence, Political Upheaval,, Political Infighting
As it is my inclination to be tutored in the arts of the Vindori I am submitting a sample of my knowledge of the structure of the political might of the Grand Sellonian Empire and its service to the Seat of Darinius, and the Rainbow Eminence. I have separated this into the two sections of focus. The first will serve as a high level overview of the current political structure of the Sellonian Empire as it currently stands.
The second section will seek to do the same for the main legion structures that serve the Sellonian Empire as a whole. I should note that this paper was reviewed by my friend, prism mate, prodigy, and newly minted master Allia Laeviena.
Political Structure:
The Sellonian Empire is organized in a top-down power structure, typical of most political structures seen across numerous societies before their entrance onto the galactic stage. At the top of this structure sits a lone figure who occupies the imperial seat holding the the highest, although not unchecked, power. Below is a rough outline of each stage:
Imperial Seat – AKA – “Sellonae Throne”, “Seat of Darinius”, “The Rainbow Eminence” – One member holds this position at any given time, and is elected by the senate of the Order and confirmed by the Congress of Planets. (Though historically this has been treated as a formality and is given little weight – The Congress of Planets has never not confirmed the Senate’s pick)
Crystal Council – Acts as an advisory council to the Imperial Seat, gets some control over the taxes of planets, and may overrule laws passed by the Senate or Congress of Planets. Decisions must be unanimous by the council. The Imperial Seat appoints 5 people to the council. Councilmembers don’t have to be radiants – and more commonly, a majority aren’t. The Crystal Council may remove the Emperor at any time. This has happened only once in history to the Mad Emperor Variousos in 495 OL. Once appointed a council member can not be removed until either death or at the time of coronation of a new emperex.
Senate of The Order – An appointed position. Each Master may be appointed a seat in the Senate by the Supreme Master, and each Grand Master gets a seat automatically. The Supreme Master of the Order sits as the Voice – a mainly ceremonial position that helps organize the business. Votes must pass with a majority, and the Throne or Crystal Council may overrule each vote. With a 80% vote they may overrule the Congress of Planets. While the senate number has no set amount the current senate stands at around 59 with the Vindori, Venefari(who tend to historically make up 4 of the 10 grand masters at any one time), and Bellati being over represented in the ranks.
The Congress of Planets – Planets get one congressional member for every 5 billion individuals in its population (minimum 5 members, and formed by the Treaty of Sarga). Planets elect congress members by ranked choice voting. It is commonly pointed out that this overly moderates some congressional planetary governments and ensures that imperial rule can be more easily exercised.
While some will point out that the congress of Planets is the lowest rung on the governmental ladder and that radiants get a leg up by appointment – it is much easier for a non radiant to make it to congress than for a radiant to make it to the Senate. My bias obviously withstanding – any non-radiant just has to stand for election, a master must first prove themselves in the knight trials, then must be granted a masterhood (as we know only a fractional amount of radiants are both powerful enough, capable enough, and survive long enough to earn the robes) and even with the title the Supreme Master of the order may still choose not to appoint them. Grand Masters being even more rare of course, but the 15 are always given a seat.
Party politics being illegal in the Empire there are still factions that make up our government. They mainly divide along issues – the most common of course being Imperialists and Reformationists.
Imperialists – those who believe in absolutism of the Empire and see the true wisdom in maintaining it in totality.
Reformationists – those who wish to reform the Empire. A foolish but idealistic bunch. Their main call is for a total republic to be formed and for mob rule to take place. I caution against such nature since non-radiants hold little connection to the light and would not be able to guide effectively.
I will take a moment here to describe a bigger threat than the reformationists which is the Secessionists. An attitude found most commonly on Shikal, Gori, Riik, and Vyxex, but powerful radiant and non-radiant forces across the galaxy share these claims. While little unifying complaints exist amongst them their belief all boils down to the Empire has long outlived its usefulness and needs to be collapsed.
Military Structure:
I will focus here on the Legions as opposed to the Imperial Navy. The Legions of the Empire are divided into two groups. The Imperial Legions serve primarily in planet garrisons and “dirt-side” roles, and the Astral Legions serve more
specialized tasks as well as are attached to ships. While technically equal on paper, tradition has dictated that the Astral Legions are seen as more elite due to their specialized purposes and higher rates of veterancy. The ranks
are simple and without the divide of the naval officer vs. enlisted system as found in the Navy. Within these ranks everyone starts as a Legionnaire regardless of status or education and must work their way up.
Ranks of The Legion:
Stellar Praetor: Of which there is only one, typically serves as the legions adviser to the Emprex and is the head of all Legions
Grand Imperial Praetor/Grand Astral Praetor: Serves as the main administrative head of a group of legions, may also fulfill staff HQ roles on Sellonae.
Praetor: Leads a Legion. Legions are composed of a minimum of 10 centuries
Centurion: Leads a group of 100 soldiers referred to as a century.
Decurio: Leads a group of 10 legionnaire called a decurion. Decurions specialize to a task or represent one group of a wider fighting unit.
Legionnaire: Lowest rank, carries out tasks
Imperial Intelligence – Imperial Intelligence has existed since the dawn of the empire. The Director of Imperial Intelligence sits on the Imperial Military Chiefs Council. Imperial Intelligence is shrewd and incredibly well trained. Operating extensively in the realm of espionage, counter-espionage, cyber warfare, and reconnaissance, Imperial intelligence works closely with the Imperial and Astral Legions. They also support anti-criminal activities and act in a criminal investigation role throughout imperial space supporting planetary security forces. When not undercover Imperial Intelligence wears a white tunic-style overcoat with black pants and a black cap. Imperial Intelligence senior agents wear a gold cape on this look. Their badges are an all-black triangle with a gold crown centered. New recruits into Imperial Intelligence supplement the Imperial Revenue Service.
Imperial Radiant Affairs and Shipbuilding/IRAS – IRAS operate as liaisons between the government, the military, and the Guardian order. IRAS is a very small but incredibly vital branch to ensure efficient collaboration throughout the Empire.
I Astral – The I Astral specifically trains and staffs all of the Imperial Navy ships with Legionnaires. I Astral is the least centrally controlled of all Legions in the military due to it acting as a group of independent groups that come together to standardize training. It has the most combat victories of the Dominari Rebellion.
Legion Symbol – A bright gold 1 emblazoned upon a starfield
II Astral – The II Astral specializes in criminal investigation, security action, and border patrol activities. Their main mission is to patrol, support, and monitor space stations.
Legion Symbol – A crossed magnifying glass and torch on a black field
XIII Astral – Trained to guard the Emperor and all government officials. The XIII Astral tends to wear suits and formal dress more than regular armor. The XIII Astral has a training facility on Eriss where they develop skills to fight effectively in non-traditional battle dress. Has a rivalry with the XXI Imperial.
Legion Symbol – A silver shield on a field of white and red
II Imperial – The main expeditionary force of the Sellonae Empire. Had the 2nd most victories outside of the I Astral Legion during the rebellion, and fought the most extended campaigns. Operates a class of ships known as a “Base Ship” which can be landed and become a fully operational military base with the hospital, barracks, and other amenities. Base Ships are notoriously uncomfortable to travel in. They have suffered the most amount of losses of any Legion.
Legion Symbol – Two Red “I’s” on a green field
XXI Imperial – Trained to guard the Emperor and all government officials. The XXI Imperial tends to wear very imposing deep purple, with black trimmed heavy battle armor. The XXI Imperial train exclusively on Sellonae and recruit only the most experienced and competent legionnaires from other legions. Outside of the Guardians, the XXI Imperial has the most well-regarded swordsmen using a form of vyllah steel in their weapons – getting past the weapons ban by stating the swords are “ceremonial tools”, and not weapons. The XXI Imperial legion does not carry any form of blaster weaponry on the surface of the capitol. It has a rivalry with the XIII Astral.
Legion Symbol – Two crossed Vyllah Steel swords on a gold field
CCI Imperial – This is the main logistical hub for all Legions. They act as civil engineers building and maintaining large imperial structures. They also help maintain equipment and provide support to all other legions.
Legion Symbol – A green box on a beige field
A Note on Space Travel – I felt the need to include this due to the fact that it relates to the logistics on the legions. Space travel within the known universe is limited to gravitron wave travel. Most planets are connected by one or two of these lines, and bolan crystal powered FTL allow for the freedom of movement along the line. These lines also differ in size with some being stronger and allowing more ships/bigger ships to travel than others.
The capacity to travel on these lines require larger economic investments, and specialized training meaning FTL has historically been limited to larger organizations, or wealthier individuals (with more common citizens traveling via larger transport vessels in groups). The navy is extremely important to ensuring that legions can move throughout the system and the rivalry between the organizations has always been friendly and cordial (mirroring our own sects). If a legion gets cut off from logistical support due to the siege of a gravitational line then the complex needs of these organizations can cause them to collapse.
I hope this knowledge demonstration is enough to be considered to be trained in Vindori arts post knighthood. I know it will be an arduous and slow journey given how I already chose to deep dive into Medicari studies.
-Dr. William Vray